Arduino web controller
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Programma in C che, se richiamato da PHP, permette di controllare l'arduino da remoto, in questo esempio ho solo aggiunto la funzione per mandare il segnale HIGH o LOW ai primi 9 pin attraverso il comando SEND n. se n e' minore di 10 mand a LOW al numero secificato, se e' maggiore di 10 e minore di 20 manda HIGH al pin specificato dalla seconda cifra.
Sketch Arduino:
int incomingByte = -1;
void setup()
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
Serial.begin(9600); //57600
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
Serial.println("Hello world!");
void loop() // run over and over
if (Serial.available() > 0)
incomingByte =;
Serial.print("I received: ");
Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC);
if( incomingByte < 10 )
digitalWrite(incomingByte, LOW);
else if(incomingByte < 20)
digitalWrite(incomingByte-10, HIGH);
Programma in C che interpreta i comandi e invia un numero all'arduino corrispondente alla azione da intraprendere:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXIMUM_CHAIN 16
void usage()
printf("Usage:\n\tarduino-controller /dev/ttyUSBX\nWhere X depends on which port arduino is connected to\n");
void checkError(int result)
if(result < 0)
printf("Error: %s (%i)\n", strerror(errno), errno);
* strspl
* @author Federico Giuggioloni
* Splits a string and allocates memory for an array
* which contains the result of the split.
* @param char*** split a pointer to a string array,
* can be null. after the call, it'll be an
* array with the required elements.
* @param char* string a pointer to the string to split
* @param const char* delim a pointer to the delimiter.
* @return number of elements in the split array
int strspl(char*** split, char* string, const char* delim)
char* result;
char* parsed = malloc(strlen(string)+1);
char* tofree = parsed;
if(*split == NULL)
*split = malloc(sizeof(char*) * MAXIMUM_CHAIN);
strcpy(parsed, string);
int i = 0;
while((result = strtok(parsed, delim)) != NULL)
//subsequent calls to strtok must have NULL in the first
parsed = NULL;
//(*split)[i] = result;
(*split)[i] = malloc(strlen(result) * sizeof(char) + 1);
strcpy((*split)[i], result);
printf("%s\n", result);
return i;
* read_commands
* @author Federico Giuggioloni
* Reads commands from an array produced by strspl
* @return integer determining which action has to be executed
* (HINTHINT Send it directly to arduino)
char read_commands(char** commands, int argc)
int action = 0;
int pin;
if(strcmp(commands[0], "LED") == 0)
if(strcmp(commands[1], "ON") == 0)
pin = atoi(commands[2]);
action = 10 + pin;
else if(strcmp(commands[2], "OFF") == 0)
pin = atoi(commands[2]);
action = 0 + pin;
else if(strcmp(commands[0], "SEND") == 0)
action = atoi(commands[1]);
return action;//TODO
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if(argc < 1) usage();
int fd;
int i;
char* message;
size_t size = 1024;
int read;
char** split = NULL;
int tokens;
char delim = ' ';
char read_command = 0;
message = malloc(size);
fd = open(argv[1], O_RDWR);
if(argc > 2)
read_command = read_commands(argv+2, argc-2);
write(fd, &read_command, 1);
read = getline(&message, &size, stdin);
tokens = strspl(&split, message, &delim);
read_command = read_commands(split, tokens);
write(fd, &read_command, 1);
return 0;
Script PHP che usa la exec per eseguire il programma C. Richiede pero' i permessi al file di arduino in /dev e al programma C, altrimenti restituisce permission denied.
if(isset($_GET["script"]) && isset($_GET["args"]))
$result = exec($_GET["script"]." ".$_GET["args"]." 2>&1", $output, $return);
echo $_GET["script"]." ".$_GET["args"]." called, result = $result!<br/>";
echo "Succesful!<br/>";
echo "No.<br/>";
echo "$output<br/>";
echo "$result<br/>";