ProvaPratica 2014.01.23
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[C esercizi 1 e 2]
*Esercizio 1: Linguaggio C (obbligatorio): (20 punti)
*Scrivere un programma in C “linean” che prenda come parametro il pathname di un file e un numero intero (che chiameremo n).
*Il programma deve stampare come output il numero di caratteri presenti nella n-ma riga del file se il file e' un file regolare di testo, non deve stampare nulla negli altri casi.
*Un file viene considerato di testo se tutti i suoi byte hanno valori compresi nel range 1-127.
*Per controllare se il file e' “regolare” usare la system call lstat
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define BUFFSIZE 200
int istextfile( FILE *fd ){ //check if the file is a regular file of text,it means that every byte has a value between 1-127
int c;
while ( (c = getc ( fd ) ) != EOF && c <= 127 );
rewind(fd); //sets the file's cursor at the beginning,otherwise the linean program cannot find the line
return ( (c == EOF)? 1 : 0 );
void linean( char *path , int line ){
FILE *fd;
struct stat buf;
char bufline[BUFFSIZE];
char *res;
int n = line;
res = NULL;
lstat( path , &buf );
if ( S_ISREG( buf.st_mode ) )
fd = fopen( path , "r" );
if ( fd == NULL )
perror( "Error to open the file\n" );
if ( istextfile( fd ) )
while ( ( line > 0 ) ) //iterates until at the nline and when is reached then checks if the buffer contains something
res = fgets(bufline, BUFFSIZE , fd ); //every time the nline is buffered,when exits from the cicle, the buffer contains the nline
if ( res != NULL )
printf( "The file %s in line %d has : %d char\n" , path , n , ( strlen( bufline ) - 1 ) ); //strlen also consider the carriage return
printf( "Error: isn't possible to find the line\n" );
printf( "Error is not a regular file of text\n" );
printf( "The file %s isn't a regular file\n" , path );
int main( int argc , char *argv[] ){
int n = atoi( argv[2] );
linean( argv[1] , n );